Many Asian countries have been taking advantage of the medicinal effects of tongkat ali extract for many years now. The root of the tree it comes from is used for malaria treatment, as well as for it antibacterial effects. However, the most sought-after use of this supplement is for the enhancement of a male's sexual performance.
A visit to the all-natural health and food shop will reveal just how popular this substance is. It's a staple ingredient in most preparations that are said to help enhance the male libido. In addition, it also helps increase the energy levels of the body. On its own, it's commonly sold in liquid, powdered or capsule form. But it may also be used with other ingredients to increase the potency.
It's also known to be beneficial for those who suffer from erectile dysfunction. This is the inability of the penis to attain or preserve and erection. That's why males in many Asian countries, especially Malaysia, use this extract for such reason, even being called as the "Asian Viagra". There are also some evidences that it can increase the sperm count, providing help for males who are dealing with infertility problems.
Why the supplement is capable of yielding these benefits is because of its testosterone-boosting properties. Testosterone is a male hormone which serves a major role, especially in the pubertal stage for the development of secondary sexual traits. For an adult male, it controls sex drive and function. Although it's chiefly produced in the testicles, the hormone is also produced by the female body.
Testosterone is responsible for many other things, other than those mentioned above. It also helps in regulating mood, energy levels, metabolism and maturation of sperm cells. Increase in muscular mass and strength are other contributions of this hormone. That's why athletes and bodybuilders take this supplement to improve the levels of the hormone in their bodies and boost their recovery and performance levels.
But just because it can be considered as all-natural doesn't mean it has no side effects. Commonly observed ones, especially with excessive usage, include anxiety, insomnia, restlessness and even fever. Children, pregnant women and those with heart diseases, kidney problems, liver damage and prostate cancer should also refrain from taking this supplement.
Tongkat ali extract comes from the tree with the scientific name eurycoma longifolia. It's the root of the tree that's said to be the most potent, although every other part possesses medicinal benefits. Read the packaging thoroughly and follow the proper administration given by the manufacturer.
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